The Sunny Side of it

Wednesday 25 May 2016

My top tips on finding the perfect wedding dress

As you all know, I'm planning my wedding which is due take place in Feb next year. And one of the most petrifying things on my list was finding the perfect wedding dress. I am happy to say that I found my dress in a gorgeous shop in south west London and will detail my experience in later post.

So my worry was that as I am super indecisive and heard a bunch of horror stories from other brides that fell out of love with their dress, took over a year to find the perfect dress or both! But after finding my dress I am confident that it is the right dress for me and my big day.

I wanted to include some of my top tips for finding the perfect dress and staying in love with it.

Leave the crew at home

It is not necessary to go bridal shopping with 20 of your closest friends and family members. What they will do is either confuse you, put you off a dress you love or just think about what they want to see you in and not you. Stick to one or two people at most to avoid clashing opinions, plus it makes the grand reveal on the day much more special.

That butterfly feeling

Listen to your female intuition, it never fails! I tried on over 40 dresses, and once I stepped into the dress I bought I felt a weird tingly sensation in my body. I did ignore the feeling initially as I didn't see myself wearing a dress of that shape. But after trying on a few dresses in between and then going back to it, that feeling I got when the dress was on me was something I've never felt before. This may not be everyones experience, but if you feel it go with it. Your intuition is never wrong!

Don't bother with pictures

When I went wedding dress shopping I asked my sister, mum and cousin to take a million and one pictures of me. I  would look over them in the day, night and critique each of them intensely. But once I found the dress I wanted I decided not to take any pictures as I didn't want to get sick of it by gazing over the pictures each day and night.

So take a few pictures if you need to remind yourself of a particular style and cut, but once you have chosen your dress get rid of them all so that you can enjoy the excitement when you try on your dress closer to your wedding date.

Shop at a quiet time

The first time I went wedding dress shopping with my family, we all took the day off and really made a day of it. It was a Tuesday, so the shops where visited were really quiet and we were able to get extra attention. In some of the shops we were the only customers which meant we had the whole place to ourselves, it was great! A calm store gives a more personalised shopping experience

Be careful of opinions

With over 7 billion people on the planet with a range of tastes and style, its impossible to find a dress that everyone will like. And thats ok! Remember that there will be a few people that may think you could have chose a more classic, modern, bigger, whiter dress. There is always going to be differing opinions out there, but what's important is that you love it and are proud to have this dress as your


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